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Why Artificial Grass is Perfect for Families

ADAuthor - Artificial Grass Direct

2 min read

One major concern that all parents have is the safety of their children. Artificial grass has many benefits, which will keep your children happy and safe, below are just a few of the positives that Artificial Grass Direct (AGD) offers.

Enjoy your garden 365 days a year

Children have endless amounts of energy, and the majority of children love playing outside. With artificial grass they are able to play in the garden everyday regardless of the weather.

Do not worry, using the garden everyday will not make the colour of your grass fade or damaged. AGD designs their artificial grass to withstand a lot of activity, and just for your piece of mind AGD offers a 5-year warranty.

Fewer injuries

Artificial grass is softer to land on, grass burns are avoided and children will not get covered in mud! When the weather is bad, the artificial grass does not become as slippery and dangerous as real grass, and the texture of the grass is softer on the joints encase you decide to join in on the fun!

Better for your health

Artificial grass does not need any pesticides or fertilizers, resulting in your garden being child, pet and environmentally friendly. You will also not need to use your lawnmower anymore, which means the fumes released can be avoided as well.

No more mud!

Artificial grass is also a bonus for parents, as you will no longer have to clean any muddy footprints that make their way into your homes. By having an artificial grass, you gain the privilege of having a tidy and clean garden, while not having to deal with any debris that makes its way into your home. Artificial grass, quite simply, does not need hardly any maintenance and you are able to have a beautiful garden all year round.

Feel free to contact our friendly team today, browse our range of fake grass or request free samples to experience the quality and appearance of our products firsthand.

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